ループ内はコマンドを取り出して、Select Case文でそれぞれのコマンドごとに処理が書いてあります。ちょっと長くなるものはサブルーチンとして後ろの方に追い出してcallしています。
'ExcelMaker (example for the blog “BulldozeFileMaker”)
'By kamima 2017 email:kamima@mac.com
'力技FileMakerのための作例 2017.7
'Free to arrange/use for your solutions.
Dim makerBook As Workbook 'This WorkBook (contains this program)
Dim scriptSheet As Worksheet 'This WorkBook's sheet(1) "script"
Dim targetBook As Workbook
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Dim line As Long 'program counter
Dim constant As New Collection 'xl* constants (lineStyle etc.)
'// main:
Sub makeExcel()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
line = 0
Set makerBook = ActiveWorkbook
Set scriptSheet = makerBook.Sheets(1)
Call init
Dim cmd As String
line = line + 1
cmd = pickStr(1)
If cmd = "" Then cmd = "end"
Select Case cmd
Case "newBook"
Set targetBook = newBook(pickInt(2)) '(numOfSheets)
Set targetSheet = targetBook.Sheets(1)
Case "selectSheet"
Set targetSheet = targetBook.Sheets(pickInt(2)) '(sheetNum)
Case "nameSheet"
targetSheet.Name = pickStr(2)
Case "width"
Call width
Case "height"
Call height
Case "widthRange"
targetSheet.Columns(pickInt(2) & ":" & pickInt(3)).columnWidth = pickInt(4)
Case "heightRange"
targetSheet.Rows(pickInt(2) & ":" & pickInt(3)).rowHeight = pickInt(4)
Case "write"
Call Write_
Case "merge"
targetSheet.Range(Cells(pickInt(2), pickInt(3)), Cells(pickInt(4), pickInt(5))).Merge
Case "fontSize"
targetSheet.Range(Cells(pickInt(2), pickInt(3)), Cells(pickInt(4), pickInt(5))).Font.Size = pickInt(6)
Case "hAlign"
targetSheet.Range(Cells(pickInt(2), pickInt(3)), Cells(pickInt(4), pickInt(5))).HorizontalAlignment = constant(pickStr(6))
Case "vAlign"
targetSheet.Range(Cells(pickInt(2), pickInt(3)), Cells(pickInt(4), pickInt(5))).VerticalAlignment = constant(pickStr(6))
Case "borders"
targetSheet.Range(Cells(pickInt(2), pickInt(3)), Cells(pickInt(4), pickInt(5))).borders.LineStyle = constant(pickStr(6))
Case "numberFormat"
targetSheet.Range(Cells(pickInt(2), pickInt(3)), Cells(pickInt(4), pickInt(5))).NumberFormatLocal = pickStr(6)
Case "shrinkToFit"
targetSheet.Range(Cells(pickInt(2), pickInt(3)), Cells(pickInt(4), pickInt(5))).ShrinkToFit = pickBool(6)
Case "wrapText"
targetSheet.Range(Cells(pickInt(2), pickInt(3)), Cells(pickInt(4), pickInt(5))).WrapText = pickBool(6)
Case "addIndent"
targetSheet.Range(Cells(pickInt(2), pickInt(3)), Cells(pickInt(4), pickInt(5))).AddIndent = pickBool(6)
End Select
Loop Until cmd = "end"
End Sub
'// “pick” functions: fetch a command or a parameter
Private Function pickStr(pos As Integer) As String
pickStr = scriptSheet.Cells(line, pos)
End Function
Private Function pickInt(pos As Integer) As Integer
pickInt = scriptSheet.Cells(line, pos)
End Function
Private Function pickSin(pos As Integer) As Single
pickSin = scriptSheet.Cells(line, pos)
End Function
Private Function pickBool(pos As Integer) As Boolean
pickBool = scriptSheet.Cells(line, pos)
End Function
'// init: defines xl-constants
Private Sub init()
constant.Add xlGeneral, "xlGeneral"
constant.Add xlLeft, "xlLeft"
constant.Add xlCenter, "xlCenter"
constant.Add xlRight, "xlRight"
constant.Add xlFill, "xlFill"
constant.Add xlJustify, "xlJustify"
constant.Add xlCenterAcrossSelection, "xlCenterAcrossSelection"
constant.Add xlDistributed, "xlDistributed"
constant.Add xlTop, "xlTop"
constant.Add xlContinuous, "xlContinuous"
constant.Add xlBottom, "xlBottom"
constant.Add xlDash, "xlDash"
constant.Add xlDashDotDot, "xlDashDotDot"
constant.Add xlDot, "xlDot"
constant.Add xlDouble, "xlDouble"
constant.Add xlSlantDashDot, "xlSlantDashDot"
constant.Add xlLineStyleNone, "xlLineStyleNone"
constant.Add xlHairline, "xlHairline"
constant.Add xlThin, "xlThin"
constant.Add xlMedium, "xlMedium"
constant.Add xlThick, "xlThick"
End Sub
'// commands
Private Function newBook(ByVal n As Long) As Workbook
Dim a As Long: a = Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook
Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = n
Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = a
Set newBook = ActiveWorkbook
End Function
Private Sub width()
Dim i As Integer, target As Integer, columnWidth As Single
i = 0
target = pickInt(2)
columnWidth = pickSin(3 + i)
If columnWidth = 0 Then Exit Do
targetSheet.Columns(target + i).columnWidth = columnWidth
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub height()
Dim i As Integer, target As Integer, rowHeight As Single
i = 0
target = pickInt(2)
rowHeight = pickSin(3 + i)
If rowHeight = 0 Then Exit Do
targetSheet.Rows(target + i).rowHeight = rowHeight
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Write_()
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, i As Integer
i = 0
For y = pickInt(2) To pickInt(4)
For x = pickInt(3) To pickInt(5)
targetSheet.Cells(y, x) = scriptSheet.Cells(line, 6 + i)
i = i + 1
End Sub